We take this annual opportunity to thank and acknowledge the dedication, love, and support they provide to children and youth. Handwritten thank you cards have been mailed to all our Kinship Service Providers.

While “family” is a single word with many different meanings, what all families have in common is the shared belief and feeling of belonging together and being connected to each other. Our Kinship Services Team has worked to support living arrangements in which a relative, community member, or someone who has a connection to a child or family can take primary responsibility to care for and raise the child.

Thank you to our Kinship Service and Family Finding teams for their diligent work to find family/kin, assist staff, and provide support to kinship caregivers. The team served 49 children in kinship service homes this past year. We also thank and applaud the 50 kinship service families we work with for the love and commitment they provide for the children and youth in their care.

Throughout Kinship Awareness Week, we shared some good news stories from Kin Services staff acknowledging the week and highlighting the important work done by the agency’s kinship service families!