York Region CAS is proud to announce that our Agency was selected to take part in the Dreams Take Flight program.

Dreams Take Flight is a volunteer-led, non-profit organization that provides an all-expenses paid trip of a lifetime to deserving children. Selected children are treated to a day full of fun and adventure in a world-renowned theme park in California or Florida.

Air Canada donates planes. Volunteers raise money throughout the year. Donors give to cover all the expenses—aircraft fuel, park admission, spending money, plus cash for souvenirs and gifts. Each child and their escort are also clad in signature clothing to set them apart in the park.

This year, York Region CAS was proud to have four children take part and one of our workers participate as a chaperone.

On behalf of York Region CAS, we would like to thank the teams at Dreams Take Flight and Air Canada for organizing such a phenomenal event. Your generosity is life-changing and will give children a chance to stretch their minds to limitless possibilities.

We look forward to nominating more of our children for next year’s event.

For more information about Dreams Take Flight, please visit: https://dreamstakeflight.ca/